240首英语启蒙慢速儿歌视频 百度网盘分享下载

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240首英语启蒙慢速儿歌视频 百度网盘分享,本课程由58映象学堂资源网收集整理。



001 12345 once I caught a fish alive.mp4

002 A B C Song.mp4

003 A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea英语字幕.mp4

004 A sailor went to sea 中英字幕.mp4

005 ABC In Outer Space.mp4

006 ABC phonics song.mp4

007 ABC Song.mp4

008 ABC songs 中英字幕.mp4

009 ABC Train Song.mp4

010 ABC字母歌.mp4

011 After a while 中英字幕.mp4

012 animal sounds 中英字幕.mp4

013 Ants go marching 中英字幕.mp4

014 Baa baa black sheep 中英字幕.mp4

015 Being kind to each other 中英字幕.mp4

016 big and small.mp4

017 Bingo – Part 2.mp4

018 BINGO Children\’s Song.mp4

019 Bingo Dog Song 英语字幕.mp4

020 Brush your teeth song 中英字幕.mp4

021 Buckle My Shoe.mp4

022 Bye bye goodbye 中英字幕.mp4

023 Can You Make A Happy Face.mp4

024 Christmas is coming 中英字幕.mp4

025 Christmas is Magic 中英字幕.mp4

026 Chubby Cheeks 英语字幕.mp4

027 Clean up song 中英字幕.mp4

028 Colors and actions song for children 中英字幕.mp4

029 Colors Song 英语字幕.mp4

030 Counting Bananas 中英字幕.mp4

031 Days of the week song 中英字幕.mp4

032 Deck the halls 中英字幕.mp4

033 Ding dong bell 中英字幕.mp4

034 Dinosaur song 中英字幕.mp4

035 Do you like broccoli ice cream中英字幕.mp4

036 Driving in my car song 中英字幕.mp4

037 Driving My Tractor.mp4

038 Eat Your Vegetables Song.mp4

039 Eeney meeney miney moe 中英字幕.mp4

040 Exercise song 中英字幕.mp4

041 Finger family 中英字幕.mp4

042 Five little ducks 中英字幕.mp4

043 Five Creepy Spiders.mp4

044 Five little pumpkins 中英字幕.mp4

045 Five Little Speckled Frogs.mp4

046 Frere Jacques.mp4

047 Getting dressed song 中英字幕.mp4

048 Give me something to eat 中英字幕.mp4

049 Go Away Spooky Goblin.mp4

050 Go away 中英字幕.mp4

051 Going on a lion hunt 中英字幕.mp4

052 Good Morning Red Polka Dots.mp4

053 Good morning 中英字幕.mp4

054 Happy birthday song-1 中英字幕.mp4

055 Happy birthday song-2 中英字幕.mp4

056 Head shouders kness & toes 中英字幕.mp4

057 Head shoudlers knees toes英语字幕.mp4

058 Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.mp4

059 Hello hello 中英字幕.mp4

060 Hello My Friends.mp4

061 Hello snowman 中英字幕.mp4

062 Hello Song.mp4

063 Hello 中英字幕.mp4

064 Hello, My Friends.mp4

065 Here we go looby loo 中英字幕.mp4

066 Here we go round the mulberry bush英语字幕.mp4

067 Hey diddle diddle(2) 中英字幕.mp4

068 Hey Diddle Diddle(3)英文字幕.mp4

069 hey diddle diddle.mp4

070 Hickory dickory dock 中英字幕.mp4

071 Hot cross buns 中英字幕.mp4

072 How\’s the weather 中英字幕.mp4

073 Humpty dumpty 中英字幕.mp4

074 I have a pet 中英字幕.mp4

075 I hear thunder 中英字幕.mp4

076 I see something blue 中英字幕.mp4

077 I See Something Pink 中英字幕.mp4

078 I\’m a little snowman 中英字幕.mp4

079 Ice cream song for children 中英字幕.mp4

080 If you\’re happy and you know it.mp4

081 If you\’re happy 中英字幕.mp4

082 Incy Wincy Spider英文字幕.mp4

083 Itsy Bitsy Spider(2)英文字幕.mp4

084 Itsy Bitsy Spider.mp4

085 Jack And Jill.mp4

086 Jack Jill 英文字幕.mp4

087 Jingle bell 中英字幕.mp4

088 Johny johny yes papa 中英字幕.mp4

089 Knick Knack Paddy Whack英文字幕.mp4

090 Knock knock trick or treat-1 中英字幕.mp4

091 Knock knock trick or treat-2 中英字幕.mp4

092 La Cucaracha.mp4

093 Ladybug 中英字幕.mp4

094 Learn Colors & Objects Song.mp4

095 Let\’s go to the zoo 中英字幕.mp4

096 Little Bo Peep英语字幕.mp4

097 Little Boy Blue.mp4

098 little kittens 中英字幕.mp4

099 little monkeys 中英字幕.mp4

100 Little snowflake 中英字幕.mp4

101 little Speckled Frogs 中英字幕.mp4

102 london bridge is falling down 中英字幕.mp4

103 Make a circle 中英字幕.mp4

104 Mary had a little lamb 中英字幕.mp4

105 Mary Had A Little Lamb(2)英语字幕.mp4

106 Miss polly had a dolly 中英字幕.mp4

107 Mr 中英字幕.mp4

108 Muffin man 中英字幕.mp4

109 Mulberry Bush.mp4

110 My teady bear 中英字幕.mp4

111 No monsters song 中英字幕.mp4

112 Number train 0-20.mp4

113 Numbers Song 1-10 Part 2.mp4

114 Numbers Song for Children 1- 10.mp4

115 numbers song1-10.mp4

116 Numbers Song英语字幕.mp4

117 Old king cole 中英字幕.mp4

118 Old MacDonald had a farm 中英字幕.mp4

119 Old Macdonald Had A Farm》英语字幕.mp4

120 Old McDonald Had A Farm.mp4

121 Old Mother Hubbard.mp4

122 One for you One for me.mp4

123 One little finger 中英字幕.mp4

124 One Potato Two Potatoes.mp4

125 One Potato 中英字幕.mp4

126 One Two Buckle My Shoe英语字幕.mp4

127 Open shut them 中英字幕.mp4

128 Oranges and lemons 中英字幕.mp4

129 Over in the Meadow英文字幕.mp4

130 pat a cake.mp4

131 peekaboo song.mp4

132 Phonics Song.mp4

133 Pop goes the weasel 中英字幕.mp4

134 Port Side Pirates!.mp4

135 Potty song 中英字幕.mp4

137 Put on your shoes 中英字幕.mp4

138 rain rain go away 中英字幕.mp4

139 Rainbow colors song 中英字幕.mp4

140 Rig a jig jig 中英字幕.mp4

141 Ring around the rosy 中英字幕.mp4

142 rock a bye baby 中英字幕.mp4

143 Rock Scissors Paper 中英字幕.mp4

144 row row row your boat part2.mp4

145 Row row row your boat 中英字幕.mp4

146 Row Row Row Your Boat(2).mp4

147 Row Row Row Your Boat(3)英文字幕.mp4

148 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer中英字幕.mp4

149 Samba Time.mp4

150 Say Cheese 中英字幕.mp4

151 See saw margery daw 中英字幕.mp4

152 See You Later Alligator.mp4

153 shapes song英文字幕.mp4

154 Shapes Train Song英文字幕.mp4

155 Sing a song of six pence 中英字幕.mp4

156 Six Little Ducks.mp4

157 Skidamarink 中英字幕.mp4

158 Skip to my lou.mp4

159 Sleeping Bunnies.mp4

160 Space Song Rocket Ride英文字幕.mp4

161 star light star bright.mp4

162 Sweet dreams 中英字幕.mp4

163 Swimming song 中英字幕.mp4

164 Teddy bear 中英字幕.mp4

165 Ten Green Bottles.mp4

166 Ten In The Bed(2) 中英字幕.mp4

167 Ten in the bed.mp4

168 Ten Little Animals.mp4

169 Ten Little Dinosaurs 中英字幕.mp4

170 The Animal Boogie.mp4

171 The Animals On The Farm.mp4

172 The bath song 中英字幕.mp4

173 The bear went over the mountain 中英字幕.mp4

174 the color train song 英字.mp4

175 The eensey weensey spider 中英字幕.mp4

176 The Eensy Weensy Spider.mp4

177 The grand old duke of york 中英字幕.mp4

178 The hokey pokey shake 中英字幕.mp4

179 The Hokey Pokey.mp4

180 The itsy bitsy spider 中英字幕.mp4

181 The Journey Home from Grandpa\’s英字.mp4

182 The Lion and The Unicorn.mp4

183 The pinocchio 中英字幕.mp4

184 The Shape Song Swingalong英字.mp4

185 The shape song-1 中英字幕.mp4

186 The shape song-2 中英字幕.mp4

187 The Skeleton Dance英文字幕.mp4

188 The Wheels on the Bus(中英字幕.mp4

189 This old man.mp4

190 Three blind mice 中英字幕.mp4

191 twinkle twinkle little star part2.mp4

192 Twinkle Twinkle little star(2).mp4

193 Twinkle twinkle little star(3).mp4

194 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.mp4

195 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》.mp4

196 Up, Up, Up!英文字幕.mp4

197 Wag your tail 中英字幕.mp4

198 Walking in the jungle 中英字幕.mp4

199 Walking Through the Jungle英字.mp4

200 Wash your hands song 中英字幕.mp4

201 We all fall down 中英字幕.mp4

202 we wish you a merry christmas.mp4

203 We wish you merry christmas 中英字幕.mp4

204 What do you hear 中英字幕.mp4

205 What time is it 中英字幕.mp4

206 wheels on the bus part-4 中英字幕.mp4

207 Wheels on the bus-1.mp4

208 Wheels on the bus-2.mp4

209 Wheels on the bus-3.mp4

210 Wheels on the bus-4.mp4

211 Wheels on the bus2.mp4

212 Wheels on the bus英文字幕.mp4

213 Who Took The Candy.mp4

214 Who Took The Cookie 中英字幕.mp4

215 Whole World英文字幕.mp4

216 Yankee doodle 中英字幕.mp4

217 Yes I can.mp4

218 You\’re Happy Why Tablet Giveaway.mp4

219 《Bingo》 中英字幕.mp4

220 《Uh huh》中英字幕.mp4

221 一种跳跳机.mp4

222 儿童ABC之歌.mp4

223 公交车的轮子.mp4

224 小兔子彼得.mp4

225 小小蜘蛛.mp4

226 巴士的车轮.mp4

227 我爱我的小猫咪.mp4

228 手指之歌.mp4

229 数字歌.mp4

230 星光璀璨.mp4

231 有趣字母歌学习.mp4

232 水管蜘蛛.mp4

233 熊越过了那座山.mp4

234 矮胖墩.mp4

235 老国王科尔.mp4

236 英文小星星.mp4

237 闪亮的圣诞节.mp4

238 雨点雨点快走开.mp4

239 颜色歌.mp4

240 黑羊咩咩.mp4

240首英语启蒙慢速儿歌视频 百度网盘分享下载-58映像学堂
240首英语启蒙慢速儿歌视频 百度网盘分享下载
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